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Although winemaking here dates back to the times of the ancient Romans, it’s only recently that the export market has opened up on scale. Today, increasing amounts of consumers are enjoying the wines of this south-eastern European country, which has seriously upped its game over the past ten or so years.
To the north and west of the country the climate is largely continental, meaning the winters are short and cold, the autumns mild and summers warm. To the east, winters are mild and summers hot with Mediterranean-style coastal influences from the Black Sea. Each of these diverse climatic conditions play a big influence on the wine styles produced in each key Romanian region. You will also find a uniquely diverse range of grape varieties being planted in Romania, many of which are indigenous to the country and its immediate neighbours, Moldova and Bulgaria. Fetească Regală, Fetească Albă, Băbească Neagră and Cadarca are among the most widely planted and popular both with locals and wine buffs alike.